Volunteer Letter National Volunteer Week

Mary Hershberger Thun
Letter from WeCAB Board President Mary Hershberger Thun
April 16, 2018
Dear WeCAB Volunteers,
April 15-21, 2018 is National Volunteer Week. It is a week to celebrate you, the WeCAB volunteer because, in part, the health and welfare of over 400 active registered WeCAB riders depends on your selfless commitment. You are an integral part of serving people who for whatever reason do not have transportation to medical appointments, family commitments, food shelves and grocery stores, worship services and volunteer or social events. However you serve – as a driver, dispatcher, rider registrar, Board and/or Chapter Advisory Council member or volunteer staff – you are an important link to the greater community for those who, in some cases, have no other regular contact.
Since the end of WeCAB’s fiscal year (9/30/17) through March 31, 2018, WeCAB has increased its registered riders by 20%. And since October 2011 through March 31, 2018, you have provided over 12,475 rides, which translates into a total of 156,882 miles driven. Of rider requests received, WeCAB provided 91% of the rides requested, an unbelievable fulfillment percentage! All of this done because of YOU: The WeCAB Volunteer!
Allow me to paraphrase something that a volunteer driver recently sent to me:
We are conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great recognizable moments, which are remembered by many. Untrue – it’s really the unrecognizable moments that make a difference and that are remembered – the way we make people feel when we go the extra mile and take the time to serve those who need a little extra help. That’s what is always remembered. That’s what WeCAB is all about.
It is my personal pleasure and honor to serve as your President. Thank you for all of the always remembered, but unsaid, unspoken – unrecognizable moments that each and everyone of you provide to people who just need – – – an extra mile, an extra minute, an extra hand, an extra smile, an extra supportive kind word.
On behalf of the WeCAB Board of Directors and with sincere thanks and admiration,
Mary Hershberger Thun
WeCAB President
WeCAB is a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt organization.
WeCAB does not refuse any rides to registered riders if they are unable to contribute.
WeCAB, 5341 Maywood Rd., Mound, MN 55364
1-844-743-3932 www.wecab.org