Volunteer Appreciation

Katie Boller Gosewisch, Executive Director
Letter from Executive Director, Katie Boller Gosewisch
April 2019
Dear WeCAB Volunteers,
Happy Spring to you!
As I continue on in life, I have found that words of affirmation are key to remaining happy and content.
Sometimes It can be difficult to see the good, but then I am reminded that we are the good. And so, along with some exciting successes, I want to share messages with you that have been sent to the office. I hope you find them as affirming as I have, that they shake out the Winter that may have settled in your spirit as we find our way into the awakening of Spring…
“Happy Daze are here again! Thanks to all you Honey Hearts! You’ve made a way for me to continue on with my Life. God Bless You!”
“Thank you so much for trying your hardest to find me rides. Thanks so very much!”
“I am so very grateful for this wonderful service and the excellent volunteer staff who participates and coordinates it. Thank you!”
“Dear WeCAB, I really appreciate all you do! God Bless all you do!”
This is just a sampling of the accolades received for the services provided every month. Know that you are far more than a driver, a dispatcher, a registrar, a board member…you are a bridge, connecting people to their lives, enabling them to stay independent, to continue living in their homes, their communities, and in turn, making those communities that much richer.
Here’s a look at what we have done so far this fiscal year (since 10/01/17)…
For our 302 registered riders in Carver County, we have provided 432 rides, driven over 7,000 miles, and given well over 300 volunteer hours. For our 267 registered riders in Westonka, we have provided 614 rides, driven over 8,000 miles, and given well over 500 volunteer hours.
Thank you. Thank you for continuing on in the important work you do.
With gratitude,
Katie Boller Gosewisch
Executive Director, WeCAB
5341 Maywood Road
Mound, MN 55364