CBS Minnesota interview for Uplife WeCAB Ride Service video

CBS Minnesota Uplift Video about WeCAB Services

WeCAB was featured in the CBS Minnesota Uplift segment for the positive impact we have on our local community. Our program, which was started by a group of dedicated volunteers, offers supplemental transportation to individuals who may have difficulty getting to appointments, grocery stores, and other essential locations.
We have had huge success with our WeCAB rider services, with many riders praising the kindness and generosity of the volunteer drivers. WeCAB has not only helped individuals with transportation issues, but we have also helped to build a sense of community and support for those using the service.
We are grateful for the support and generosity of our volunteers, without whom this program would not be possible. We are also grateful for the recognition and support from the local community, organizations, and government officials. Learn about the many ways you can contribute.
We encourage anyone who is interested in volunteering or in need of a ride to contact us. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in our community.
Watch the CBS Minnesota Uplift Video about WeCAB Rider Services! Let us know what you think! Contact WeCAB.