WeCAB Annual Meeting 2015

Robert Stevens Ridgeview Medical Center

Robert Stevens Ridgeview Medical Center

At the WeCAB Annual Meeting held on October 23, 2015, at the Ridgeview Medical Center in Waconia, Robert Stevens, Ridgeview’s CEO addressed the WeCAB Board of Directors and other people from Westonka and Carver County service areas.

Bob was extraordinarily complimentary to WeCAB on the vital services the organization provides to people who do not have transportation. Transportation to medical clinics and other services such as grocery stores, worship services and other social and volunteer opportunities are extremely vital to people living alone and/or with disabilities, which makes it difficult for them to drive or access other forms of transportation.

Ridgeview Medical Center provides ongoing financial support to WeCAB. Most recently WeCAB received a $20,000.00 “Challenge Grant” from Ridgeview.